Publications and Activities

Game pieces found at KIC


View Dr. Camp's National Park Service webinar on The Archaeology of Japanese American Internment

porcelain vessel with a dragon motif

Conference Presentations

Stacey Camp, "Confronting Conflict through Virtual Worlds", 2016 Society for Historical Archaeology Conference in Washington, DC.

Stacey Camp, "Peopling Japanese American and Japanese Internment Landscapes", 2015 Society for American Archaeology Conference in San Francisco, CA.

Undergraduate students Kaitlyn Hosken and Kristen Tiede, "Fillings, False Teeth and a Flouride Tray: Dental Artifacts at the Kooskia Internment Camp", 2015 Northwest Anthropological Conference in Eugene, Oregon.

Undergraduate students Kaitlyn Hosken and Kristen Tiede, "'Caring for their Prisoner Compatriots': Health and Dental Hygiene at the Kooskia Internment Camp", 2015 Society for Historical Archaeology Conference in Seattle, Washington.

Stacey Camp, "Redefining the Archaeological 'Site:' Landscapes of Japanese American Incarceration", 2015 Society for Historical Archaeology's annual conference in Seattle, Washington.

Graduate student Kyla Fitz-Gerald, "Goo and Gunk: Cosmetics and Masculinity", 2014 Northwest Anthropological Conference in Bellingham, Washington.

Undergraduate student Kristen Tiede, "Amethyst Glass as a Dating Tool", 2014 Northwest Anthropological Conference in Bellingham, Washington.

Undergraduate students Lawrence Shaw and Olivia McDaniels presented posters on artifacts found at the Kooskia Internment Camp at the 2013 Northwest Anthropological Conference.

Undergraduate student Josh Allen, "Left behind: the personal material culture of Idaho's Kooskia Internment Camp", 2012 Society for Historical Archaeology's annual conference in Maryland.

Stacey Camp, "Re-creating Home amidst Barbed Wires and Watchtowers: The Archaeology of Artwork at the Kooskia Internment Camp", 2012 annual conference of the Society for Historical Archaeology in Maryland.

Undergraduate student Kelsi Lee, "Alcohol Consumption at the Kooskia Internment Camp", 2012 Northwest Anthropological Conference in Moscow, Idaho.

Graduate student Rachel Stokeld presented a poster entitled "Good for One Fare: From Tacoma's Japanese Town to Kooskia", 2012 Northwest Anthropological Conference in Moscow, Idaho.

Stacey Camp presented on the Kooskia Internment Camp at the 2012 annual conference of the American Anthropological Association in San Francisco, California.

Jamie Capawana and Josh Allen presented research on Kooskia Internment Camp at the 2011 annual conference of the Society for American Archaeology in Sacramento, California.